"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Body for Everybody?

First of all, Victoria's Secret, don't even think about co-opting the language of loving your body when your models likely starved themselves in order to feel comfortable prancing around in your undergarments in your commercials. And secondly, the notion that these images depict "a Body for everybody" is downright offensive.


ELM said...

Ridiculous advert. There isn't even a diversity in body shape or size! Any wonder women are so self-consious about their bodies when there's ads like that in the media.

Unapologetically Mundane said...

Usually I'd disagree with you, because not even I want to see weirdly-shaped chicks prancing around in their undies, but dude. The fact that they're seriously all the same size and built exactly the same is FREAKY and not attractive.

Tracey said...

Agreed! Do you think they Photoshopped every frame of the commercial in order to make their bodies look so creepily alike?

Bachelor Girl said...

This, quite frankly, makes me want to slap somebody.

Winona said...

It is very Stepford-esque in that every model is freakishly tall and bony. But of course, VS thinks "curvy" means "a C cup and a hint of hips". But they're catering to the idiots who think they'll actually look like that if they buy VS products. In my mind, the models used the earnings they received from shooting the ads and split a cheeseburger. Yep, one cheeseburger.

That being said, I really do love their Body by Victoria bras & cotton undies! I just wish they'd find a better ad firm.