"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I was waiting until I could find the commercial on YouTube to post about this, but since it hasn't shown up, I'll just go ahead and say it.

What the fuck are "inadequate lashes," and why are they being presented to us as a medical problem in need of doctor-prescribed treatment?

How can eyelashes, of all things, be "inadequate"?


Dolly said...

It's funny too how inadequate lashes are only a problem for women... It's as if they want us to believe we're sick if we're not meeting up to our culture's nauseatingly unrealistic beauty standards. Oh wait...

PS On a softer note, there may indeed be people who don't have eyelashes and want to grow them, and I just don't know it. But the product certainly doesn't seem to be marketed at them.

Tracey said...

Yeah, it's not that I have anything against people who want to grow new or more lashes, but the problems are all in the marketing. And the word "inadequate" really sort of rubs me the wrong way. Seems way more about beauty standards than anything else.

Smirking Cat said...

This reminds me of a radio commercial I heard recently, with a woman speaking in hushed tones of "dirty secret"...women's body hair. It was a commercial for laser hair removal.

Women's bodies are not permitted to be natural. The faker our bodies are, the more pleased society becomes and the more erased we are.

Tracey said...

Ha! "Hairy eyes" is a great way to describe what the Latisse folks would probably call "adequate lashes". Way to subvert, Maya.

plumpdumpling said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant. But not until I get my eyeliner and lipstick tattoos.

Tracey said...

You should just wear the glittery ones we wore at Halloween every single day.