"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan

Monday, May 25, 2009

Call me a humorless feminist, but

I. HATE. Family Guy.

It's not that I don't enjoy pop-culture-related jokes or slapstickiness, but I just happen to have higher expectations and believe they can be done without the overt misogyny, homophobia, racism, ableism, and fat-hate. (And this recent development sure doesn't improve my opinion of the show, either.) I had pretty much given up on this show a long time ago, but I caught an episode while I was at the gym last night, and this is just a taste of what I saw:

How this show stays on network television without being complained off ther air is beyond me. Actually, maybe the gym is the best place for a show like Family Guy. My rage gave me the incentive to work out longer and harder than I would have otherwise.


kiss my black ads said...

Thanks for the link!

Tracey said...

Anytime. I totally dig your blog.

Anonymous said...

I really, really hate Family guy too.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank God! I felt like the only one who couldn't stand Family Guy because of its misogyny. They are the worst when it comes to the "I can do what I want because I can always say it's IRONIC!" shit.

zombietron said...

The worst part is when people I considered friends quote Family Guy's misogynistic/fat-hating/bigotted bullshit because that's FUNNY! And then hide behind the fact that they were "just quoting a joke, you know, not that I actually hold those views...it's just funny!".
No it's not.

plumpdumpling said...

Come on! Antifeminism is totally okay when it's geared toward women we're supposed to hate!

Anonymous said...

The only thing that was ever remotely funny about Family Guy were the Rhode Island in-jokes, but even those aren't enough to get me to watch that trash anymore.

Jottie said...

Totally. At this point, I think a healthy hatred of Family Guy indicates a GOOD sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Oh, ick. I had to stop watching it, too - there are some funny bits, but they were being totally overwhelmed by all of the violence/misogyny, especially toward the daughter.

Anonymous said...

I should also like to add, even though American dad is nine-tenths as bad, at least when that first came out (imho) it was a good, funny satire. Now I refuse to watch both.

Susan said...

I've always hated Family Guy. The writers apparently think a mere pop reference is funny-- they understand humor like Alanis got irony. The best take-down of FG I've ever heard was a riff at Comic-Con one year by the Simpsons writing team. Now THAT was funny!

FashionablyEvil said...

I just saw this clip when my husband was channel surfing the other day. Sometimes Family Guy is funny and incisive. But waaaay too much of it is repulsive and misogynist.

Cortney said...

Yeah, I hate Family Guy too and have definitely been called humorless for it too. Two phrases I am really, really tired of hearing:
"don't you get that they are trying to be subversive. they make fun of everything equally."

Anonymous said...

I used to like Family Guy, and still like the older seasons, but the new stuff since they were "uncanceled" is shite. Often horrifically offensive shite.

Dolly said...