"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan

Friday, May 23, 2008

One more thought on gay marriage:

In somewhat related news, a wonderful man I used to work with lost a long battle with cancer this week, and his obituary was printed today. It said that he was survived by his "long-time friend", when what it really should have said was that he was survived by his partner of nearly forty years. A man with whom he lived and shared his life. A man he possibly would have been married to, if they had had the legal right.


Anonymous said...

That's fucking horrible. Some people have no decency. Who wrote the obit? Family?

Tracey said...

I'm really not sure who wrote it, but I also wondered if it might be a family member. His dog got a mention in the obit as well, which was cute since he absolutely adored his dog. The "friend" thing just felt like a slap in the face, though. I can't imagine that it's what he would have wanted that to say.

Anonymous said...

I can only assume that it was family . . . I imagine that a newspaper would take a pretty large amount of heat for specifically changing it to "friend" when they were told "partner." I suppose that there are some fairly unethical papers out there, but family strikes me as more likely. I think that family usually writes the obituary.

Queers United said...

much of the older generation still uses that lingo

Tracey said...

QU: That could be the reason it was written that way, then. This man was in his mid to late sixties...

Thanks for commenting. I hadn't heard of your blog before, but I'll check it out!