Synopsis: "It’s Christmastime again, and Frosty, the lovable snowman, has come out to play with the children of winter. Of course, no snowman would be complete without a snowwoman, so the children fashion him a bride. Just when it seems that Frosty is on the verge of happiness, the nefarious villain, Jack Frost, becomes jealous of Frosty’s good fortune and threatens to steal his hat--the magical hat that gives Frosty and his newly found bride life."
Have you seen this one? I grew up with the original Frosty the Snowman Christmas special, but unil a couple of days ago, I had no idea that this one existed. And I have to tell you, it totally creeped me out. Frosty is lonely, so the kids decide to build a woman out of snow to be his wife. Assuming she will immediately spring to life as Frosty did, and taking for granted that this newly living being will even want anything to do with him, let alone marry him, Frosty dictates to the children his specifications for the perfect wife. She is given blue eyes and a smile, and she is purposely made a little shorter than Frosty. They name her Crystal. The whole scenario just felt a little dirty to me.
Every man obviously needs a wife, right? And the wife? Well, she wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for his need for her. Apparently, the only reason to build a snowperson with feminine characteristics is so she can serve some purpose for her man.
I entertained a little fantasy in my brain of Frosty balking at the idea of the children building him a bride. Of him being horrified at the idea of forcing some innocent female snowcreature into marrying him. Or of him being offended that they would automatically assume he's straight when he would actually prefer a snowman over a snowwoman.
Yes, friends, in a perfect world, all Christmas specials would be feminist-friendly. In Rudolph, the girl reindeer would get to join in the reindeer games instead of waiting on the sidelines to be wooed by the boys. (They didn't just leave out the red-nosed kid, you know.) Mrs. Claus really would have been able to take her husband's place and save Christmas in The Year Without a Santa Claus.
They aren't all bad. It's just that some of them are just way past due for an update.
Every man obviously needs a wife, right? And the wife? Well, she wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for his need for her. Apparently, the only reason to build a snowperson with feminine characteristics is so she can serve some purpose for her man.
Sounds like the adam and eve story to me. Blech.
But no, I hadn't ever heard of this movie.
Frosty dictates to the children his specifications for the perfect wife. She is given blue eyes and a smile, and she is purposely made a little shorter than Frosty. They name her Crystal.
This really creeped me out. Even a 'lovable snowman' turns not-so-lovable and demanding when drawing up specifications for a perfect wife. Depressing, is what it is.
Every man obviously needs a wife, right? And the wife? Well, she wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for his need for her. Apparently, the only reason to build a snowperson with feminine characteristics is so she can serve some purpose for her man.
So let me get this straight or perhaps I should say correct, either way, you are upset that a fictional animated character was fictionally made by other fictional animated characters to specifications by a fictional character as it's perfect fictional characters partner? Does that about sum it up? SO in your own mind you have not decided what your own perfect mate, spouse, or partner should or would conform to your own preferred specifications? BUT you are upset about a fictional animated cartoon?
Evolution has taught us that Females, tend to seek mates who can provide resources to maximize the chances that children will grow up with the most advantages. IN other words women seek men or women who are intelligent, competent, ambitious and possess wealth or power.
Lets face it looks may not be everything but they are something now aren't they? Women are also drawn to physical strength, How could it be? as an evolutionary indicator of the ability to protect them and their offspring. And women (not all women) tend to be attracted to men with broader shoulders and a muscular build and a good looking face. Just a scientific fact...
As for men, evolution has taught us the same, but men tend to seek women who they are physically attracted to first, youthful physical attractiveness, although physical attractiveness is not the only attribute a man will look for. A man will look for a women who has both physical attractiveness and intelligence, one who is not afraid to voice their concerns and opinions, albeit wealth is usually not part of that equation. But physical attractiveness is usually first in a mans thought process. Again scientific fact..
So to say every man needs a wife right? she wouldn't even exist if not for his need for her! is really the same for a women is it not? Every woman needs a man right? he wouldn't even exist if not for her need for him? There are so many more things in life to worry about than what a fictional character in a fictional animated cartoon expects as his / her fictional mate... as in the those famous words from Frozen "LET IT GO"
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